Thanks for taking the time and for visiting my professional website.

meet Brian Mueller



This site will provide you with some further information about me. Use the navigation links to browse the highligheted topics.

I am often asked about my style – see the link titledAbout Me– My Style, this will provide a definitive answer for you. As a quick tour, this link details my background, inclusive of my start into the working world. I didn’t follow a normal path to get here; I’m not saying that I am completely unique, but I feel that it is worth mentioning as it provided positive results, an example of a career path, and in retrospect has helped to very much shape my style. 

Data Literacy and Analytics are topics and subjects with I am passionate about.  It is one thing to know the science of data analytics, but the art of delivering a story and knowing your audience is not something that most courses cover. Yes – you can learn the math, but conveying the story around the data is the art – and that is lacking in many presentation.  Think of the C-Suite Exec reclining back in their chair and yawning.

I teach data analytics at the graduate level; I also customize data literacy courses for elementary and secondary school audiences. I don’t take a deliver-and-know approach to teaching, I find more success in applying real world solutions and examples so that students can learn with a driven interest to apply that knowledge within their lives and career.

Having a solid understanding of data and how it can be “sliced” and presented provides for a great understanding of the world of critical thinking. It doesn’t have to be complex or confusing!



My Book List on Leadership Skills  covers books that I have read, and feel are noteworthy to anyone who is looking to build leadership and character. Some are in traditional format and others are recommended to be listened to in an audio mode. Also, to be clear, for those aspiring to leadership, I view leadership as a multi-variate equation – which includes not only leadership, but also character and morals. There are – and have been – good and bad leaders. 

Enjoy the book list and let me know if you need further info on the specific books.

Zenith Career Seminars(ZCS) is an endeavor that I began in 2019; please follow this link to understand more about the offerings that ZCS provides (this site is in draft). ZCS is geared towards Career Enablement and addresses topical areas inclusive of the employer/employee “skills gap”. The skills gap is often mentioned by employers who feel that new entrants into the work force lack skills in communication and critical-thinking – among others. ZCS provides seminars in this area as well as seminars to address the ability of organizations to build data-literacy.


The link to the Association of THE UNITED STATES ARMY details information about the organization which I volunteer my services as Vice President of Innovation and Treasurer for the First Region. The First Region of AUSA is a region inclusive of 12 states and 125,000 members within the North-East of the United States ranging from Maine to Maryland.

For those looking to build career skills, build credible connections, and feel reward for giving back, then I recommend volunteering.  


Feel free to contact me – or check out my LinkedIn Profile